Warning. Controversial post.
I don't bother to hide their names. Whatever you post in the social media I assumed it to be a public declaration. You know that any Facebook posting can be viral on the Internet.
I am very disturbed by the increase of racism among Malaysians especially Malays. Above are among the statements that get on my mixed Malay and Chinese nerves.
What is wrong with you? If you are a Malay you expect to be treated like a royalty? You wish the government will never interfere with your business just because you are a Malay? Shame on you.
I am surprised those people who made such racist statements don't get arrested under the famous Sedition Act. They are indirectly instigating hatred amongst Malaysians. Not that I want them to be convicted. It is just as a warning on how severe it is.
Whatever your race is, what you do is against the law. If you break the law, then don't complain when the government enforce those laws.
You may complaint about the unfairness of the law enforcement. But keep your race out of this.
What's more, I am sure that the Petaling Street is being raided too every now and then. I've heard stories about such raids. Google it. Many illegal immigrants got caught during such raids.
About the registration of cosmetic products sold online, I totally agree with the KKM without agreeing with the method of enforcement. If you are sure that your cosmetic product is not harmful in any way, why won't you register it?
If a cosmetic product cause any harm towards the users, the public will point their fingers towards the KKM for not enforcing the law. It is always easier to prevent than to cure.
But then, I think there are better ways to enforce the law than ripping open the packages. Use an x-ray machine or open the package carefully without damaging the contents. That's a win-win situation isn't it?
Oh yes. I would like to comment on "DAP is a Chinese Party" thingy. How can that be possible? You think Karpal Singh, Gobind Singh and other Malays, Indians and Sikhs would join a party which is only for Chinese?
Sometimes academic debate on the policies of the DAP is worthless while talking to these people.
Oh, don't go and call me a DAP. I'm not even 21 yet. And don't label me as a Malay-hater. I am half Malay half Chinese, a proud Malaysian and a proud human. Any insult to any race is an insult to me.
I even condemn insults towards the Jews. I disagree with what the Zionists does towards Palestine and is against their actions, not the people. The Jews are innocent in that matter. Some Jews even condemn those inhuman acts.
These are what Islam thought me.
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